Can I Switch Dentists During Invisalign treatment?

I love my Invisalign treatment, but I don’t really enjoy the dentist. He makes suggestive comments that make me uncomfortable. If I say something about it he gets prickly and starts to get short with me. Even his assistant has looked at me sympathetically, which tells me this is a pattern. I’ve gotten to the point that I can’t deal with him any more. Is it possible to switch dentists in the middle of treatment?


Dear Kathy,

Invisalign aligner
Invisalign aligner

You can switch dentists at any time, even in the middle of treatments. Your dentist is ethically obligated to provide all the information to the new dentist including diagnostics and labs. He should provide everything where your new dentist can take over right from where you left off.

If for some reason, your dentist doesn’t live up to his ethical obligations, you can contact the dental board to get help. Just don’t stop wearing the Invisalign aligners that you have so that your teeth don’t shift out of place.

If you are in a holding pattern while he provides everything, ask your new dentist for some professional teeth whitening gel. Your Invisalign aligners can double as teeth whitening trays. This is an inexpensive way to get both treatments done at once and you won’t feel like you aren’t getting anything done.

I’m sorry about your experience with this dentist. You should not have to deal with that. I would consider writing a review to warn other patients.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette, LA Dentists Drs. Foreman and Thimmesch.